Jung Society of Washington
The C.G. Jung Society of Washington, D.C. has served the metropolitan area with educational programming and publications for over 70 years. They are dedicated to providing the highest quality educational content to cultivate and nourish the quest individuation. Former Executive Director James Hollis, Ph.D. has been a frequent quest on this podcast (Ep. 25, 27, 32, 65, 79, 100, 129).
In 2018, the Society launched their Jungian Studies Masterclass Series – online video courses you can start anytime, proceed at your own pace, and enjoy lifetime access to the material. They include four distinctly different and separate courses with Jungian analyst James Hollis, Ph.D.
You can help support Speaking of Jung at no extra cost to you by registering for these courses through the links below.
▫️Opening the Closed Heart: Meetings with the Human and Archetypal Child ~ $50
Full 90-minute C.G. Jung Memorial Lecture delivered in 2023 by Jungian analyst Donald Kalsched, Ph.D. (description)
▫️Scapegoating, Projection and New Forms Emerging ~ $40
Full 90-minute C.G. Jung Memorial Lecture delivered in 2022 by Jungian analyst Ann Ulanov, Ph.D. (description)
▫️Mosaic: A Gathering of Poems to Stir the Depths ~ $100
Two 90-minute presentations: “Desires” and “Troubled Times”
▫️Quartet: Reflections on Life, Death, and the Troubles In-Between ~ $100
Two 90-minute presentations: “Beginnings” and “Love & Hate”
▫️ Soulheal the Film ~ $15
Based on the film by Jose Enrique Pardo starring Jungian analysts James Hollis and Nancy Swift Furlotti. On the wounding and healing of men.
▫️ The Interpretation of Dreams: Dreams as a Path to Personal Authority ~ $97
We spend up to a third of our lives in the underworld of sleep, and we average six dreams per night. While many psychologists find such autonomous psychic production the random firing of neurons, careful observers, equipped with a knowledge of metaphor and symbol, discern that careful tracking of these phenomena leads us to perspectives on our lives far different from that observed by the ego. In this course we will learn dream theory, methods of interpretation, and actual practice working together on dream material.
▫️ Creating a Life: Living in the Intersection of Fate, Character & Choice ~ $197
Just how free are we anyhow? Despite the growing evidence of genetic tendencies, neurological programs, and social influences, all religious, political, ethical systems hold us accountable for how we live our lives and the consequences that flow therefrom. This course will explore a range of topics from the many influences that work on our lives to the attitudes and practices that we may adopt for a life of accountability, dignity, and perhaps even freedom.
▫️ Living an Examined Life: 21 Strategies for a Richer Journey ~ $197
The first decades of our life are mostly spent in making adaptations to the world and its demands upon us. The central project of mid-life and beyond is the recovery of a deeper sense of identity, rediscovery of purpose, and the development of a more mature sensibility. This course based both on personal experience, and forty-plus years of analysis/therapy clients, identifies and explores twenty-one tasks that await each of us. These issues transpire in our lives whether or not we are conscious of them; getting more conscious and more intentional in addressing them brings a greater measure of depth, purpose, and dignity to our Journey.
▫️ Tracking the Gods: The Movement of Archetypal Powers in Our Time ~ $197
When Jung asked the question, “Where did the gods go when they left Olympus,” he answered, they left Olympus and entered the unconscious of the modern and became “disturbances.” When Jung talks of “the gods” he sees them as the personification of archetypal energies. Those forces are timeless and course through all of us, so when a god “dies” it means the energy has left the concept, practice, ritual, dogma, gone underground, and, incognito, appears elsewhere. How do we, then, track those energies, and where do they reappear in such contemporary forms as consumerism, seduction by electronics, sociopathies, and personal symptoms? This online course will explore how today’s culture copes with, or finds surrogates for the primal powers of nature, however disguised they are in contemporary cultural expressions.
▫️ Dante’s Divine Comedy ~ $50
An Individuation Journey Through Realms of Shadow to the Mystery of Transformation, with Jungian analyst Murray Stein, Ph.D.
▫️Love in a Time of War: Awakening of the Heart Field via Active Imagination to Titrate Relationship with the Abject in Self, Other, and the World ~ $100
Full 90-minute lecture and 3-hour workshop with Ep. 24 guest Monika Wikman, Ph.D.
Soul at Play
Soul at Play offers on-demand video courses with Speaking of Jung guests James Hollis, Ph.D. (Ep. 25, 27, 32, 65, 79, 100, 129), Joel Kroeker (Ep. 63), and Susan Schwartz, Ph.D. (Ep. 40, 76, 125, 136). You can help support Speaking of Jung at no extra cost to you by purchasing access to these courses through the links below.
▫️ Father Abandonment through the Lens of a Fairytale ~ $25
You will learn what the father’s role is from the Jungian perspective, how a fairytale can help us understand our journey to the Self, to identify the Jungian concept of the negative father complex, and to define the puella archetype and its effect on women.
▫️ Jungian Music Psychotherapy ~ $97
You will learn how psyche communicates through sound, the correlation between musicking and dreaming, the connection between Jungian psychology and music-centered psychotherapy, how to ‘hear’ and explore unrepresented content that cannot yet be seen, the six principles of Archetypal Music Psychotherapy, how sound triggers psychic contents (and why), and the relationship between the ego-self axis and the musical field.
▫️ Romance, Love, & the Psyche’s Peculiar Engines ~ $97
We all say we’re interested in relationships. Relationships are so important and yet we have to puzzle over the fact that so many of our relationships are fractious, contentious, end in bitterness and disappointment. And why if we value them so much do we end in such disarray so often?
▫️ Re-Collections of Childhood Past ~ $75
This short course will draw on the work of novelist James Agee, and poets Anne Sexton and Dylan Thomas as apertures into that time as an invitation for each of us to re-member and to discern what “stories” persist for us today.