Note: Dr. Schwartz returned to the podcast in 2020 for Episode 76 on her book, The Absent Father Effect on Daughters: Father Desire, Father Wounds.
Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D. is a Jungian analyst and licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Paradise Valley, Arizona.
She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Minnesota and earned a master’s degree in social work from the prestigious Boston University before moving to Zürich to undergo analytic training at the original C.G. Jung Institute. After returning to the United States, she continued her studies and obtained a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from The Union Institute.
Dr. Schwartz has written several journal articles and book chapters on daughters and fathers, the puella archetype, and Sylvia Plath. In 2018, she was nominated by the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for their Gradiva Award for Best Article for “The Dead Father Effect on the Psyche of a Daughter—Sylvia Plath.”
She is a course instructor at the Jung Institute Zürich where she taught “Jung, Narcissism & the ‘As If’ Personality,” and “Puella, Puer & Shadow” during their 2018 Winter Semester. This spring she will be presenting two lectures at the International School of Analytical Psychology {ISAP} Zürich: “The Blank Mother” and “The Father Absent to His Daughter,” and in the summer she will be giving a talk on narcissism at the XXI Congress of the International Association for Analytical Psychology {IAAP} in Vienna. Then in October, she will travel to Russia for IAAP’s Fall Conference where she will be presenting “Narcissism: Psychological oneness excluding love of the other in a case of sexual addiction.”
Dr. Schwartz is the co-author of two books – Couples at the Crossroads: Five Steps to Finding Your Way Back to Love with Dr. Daniela Roher, and Aging & Becoming: A Reflective Enquiry with Susan Scott.
In this episode, we focus on her writings on the puella, daughters and fathers, aging, and narcissism. The interview was recorded on Thursday, January 17, 2019. It’s one hour and five minutes long and 58 MB. You can listen to it right here in your browser or download it directly to your computer. This episode is also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play
Dr. Schwartz has graciously provided .pdf downloads of the papers we discuss.
The Parallax Between Daughters and Fathers
C.G. Jung Institute Zürich on the Gemeindestrasse
Heal Thyself Northern Exposure: Season 5, Episode 8
Daryl Sharp Speaking of Jung: Episode 1
The Problem of the Puer Aeternus by Marie-Louise von Franz, Jungian analyst
The Secret Raven: Conflict & Transformation in the Life of Franz Kafka by Daryl Sharp
The Archetypes & the Collective Unconscious The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 9i {includes “Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype”}
Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C.G. Jung
The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath includes “Daddy”
Civilization in Transition The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 10 {includes “Woman in Europe”}
Helene Deutsch Amazon Author Page
Hester McFarland Solomon Books on
Missing Fathers & the Transgenerational Effects Phoenix Friends of Carl Jung, Jan. 12, 2019
The ‘As If’ Personality & the Deadened Mother C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, Dec. 15, 2018
Puella’s Shadow C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, Dec. 14, 2018
How to Love a Narcissist Phoenix Friends of Carl Jung, Sept. 16, 2017
The Analyst in the Polis, Volume 1 “Longing to Belong: Culture & Analysis”
Jungian Perspectives on Rebirth & Renewal: Phoenix Rising “A Native American Tale within Miss Frank Miller’s Fantasies - How the Psyche Guides,” 2016
Perpetual Adolescence: Jungian Analyses of American Media, Literature & Pop Culture “Little Girl Lost: Sylvia Plath & the Puella Aeternus,” 2009
Counseling & Psychotherapy: Theories & Interventions, 4th Edition “Jungian Analytical Psychology”