The bread knife that inexplicably snapped into four pieces inside the sideboard in the Jung family home. Jung kept that knife for the rest of his life. Photo from the book, C.G. Jung: Word & Image, p. 32.
On January 31, 2016, I was the guest on Beyond The Strange where I joined Dave, Les, and Brian for two and a half hours to discuss the life and work of C.G. Jung, plus a whole lot more.
The show has been archived, so you can listen to it now on YouTube, as well as on Spreaker where it is also available as a download.
I thought I'd create this page in order to provide more information on some of the things that we discussed.
J. Gary Sparks Our interview about synchronicity and Jung's relationship with one of the founders of quantum physics, Wolfgang Pauli
The Podcast A complete listing of all the episodes of Speaking of Jung
Remote Viewing A comprehensive definition from my teacher, Dr. David Morehouse
CUP The Cleveland Ufology Project, founded in 1952, is the oldest operating UFO group in the world.
The Mystical Arts of Tibet Tibetan Buddhist monks on tour in the US
Trip to Zürich Shaun Lau stepped in as guest host to interview me about my recent trip to Zürich, Switzerland
Memories, Dreams, Reflections The autobiography of C.G. Jung, edited by Aniela Jaffé
C.G. Jung: Word & Image Jung's life in pictures, also edited by Aniela Jaffé
C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews & Encounters A great compilation of some of Jung's interviews and talks. This is my personal favorite.
C.G. Jung Letters: Volume 1 and Volume 2 These contain numerous references to the occult
The Red Book Jung's diary of his encounter with the unconscious
Jung: His Life & Work – A Biographical Memoir by Barbara Hannah
Jung: A Biography by Deirdre Bair
Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies by C.G. Jung
Psychology & the Occult From The Collected Works of C.G. Jung
The Freud/Jung Letters by Sigmund Freud & C.G. Jung
A Most Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud, & Sabina Spielrein The real story which the movie did not portray
At the Heart of Matter: Synchronicity & Jung's Spiritual Testament by J. Gary Sparks
Valley of Diamonds: Adventures in Number & Time with Marie-Louise von Franz by J. Gary Sparks
Atom & Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters by Wolfgang Pauli & C.G. Jung
A complete listing of The Collected Works of C.G. Jung may be found on the BOOKS page.
Whitley Strieber A complete listing of his books at
What is Synchronicity? This new documentary features two Jungian analysts who have been guests on Speaking of Jung: J. Gary Sparks and Christina Becker.
Matter of Heart The best documentary out there about Jung's life and work
Remembering Jung The DVD series of conversations with those who knew him best. {You can also stream these individually on your computer or device for $5.00 each from the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles' website.}
The World Within: C.G. Jung in His Own Words Contains lots of old film footage of interviews with Jung
A Dangerous Method Hollywood version of the story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielrein
When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions A six-part documentary series on how we got to the Moon. This is my favorite documentary about our space program.
The Dance Fleetwood Mac's 1997 concert featuring the brilliant guitar playing of Lindsey Buckingham